Thursday, June 27, 2019

Engineering Camp Continues

Engineering Camp
Wednesday and Thursday

On Wednesday campers explored the next step in the Engineering Design Process - building a prototype.  The field of study for the day was Aeronautical Engineering so their prototypes were of paper airplanes.

Version 1
Version 2
Version 3

Today, campers explored Chemical Engineering.  As today was the testing step of the Engineering Design Process they tested processes used in chemistry and chemical plants.  They tested two types of flowers to determine which one had better capillary action. 

They also built a model of how chemicals would flow through a plant using the marble run.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Engineering Camp Day 2

Engineering Camp

Today campers explored the second step in the Engineering Design Process.  They started the day with a brainstorming activity where they identify the best solution to a challenge by learning to identify relevant criteria and asking the question:

What makes a solution successful?

Campers then explored two challenges related to Structural Engineering, the engineering field of the day.  They learned that different fields of engineering often work together to inform projects.

The first structural engineering challenge was to test pasta bridges to see how much weight they could support.  They used dried lima beans as the weight.  They tested bridges made from one, two, four and eight pieces of pasta.  Although the number of pieces of pasta doubled each time, campers realized that the amount of weight the bridge could hold more than doubled each time.

The second structural engineering challenge was to create a building from toothpicks and marshmallows that could withstand a jello earthquake.  This was a difficult challenge.  They explored one and two story structures.  

Monday, June 24, 2019

Engineering Camp

Engineering Camp

Each day this week campers will be exploring one step of the Engineering Design Process and one engineering field.  Today campers learned about the first step of the Engineering Design Process which is "Define the Problem".  They learned that to engineer a good solution they must ask the following three questions:

What is the problem?
Who has the problem?
Why is this a problem?

Campers also explored the field of Civil Engineering.  They built Zometool dome structures using repeated patterns of triangles and used the same basic shape to design bridges on the iPad.  

This afternoon campers were asked to define a problem in our community and to design a solution using LEGOs.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

More from Coding and Robotics Camp

Coding and Robotics Camp
Wednesday and Thursday

The campers continue to be engaged and busy in camp.  Variables and operators were introduced as coding concepts.

Campers also explored the role circuitry using the Makey-Makey and Scratch tor create fruit pianos and using the Snap Circuits to create a rover.

Yesterday, campers completed the National Geographic Robotic Challenge by designing robots on the computer to help with specific environmental problems.  Since this challenge was designed for students in Grade 3 to 10, campers worked in pairs - an older camper helping a younger camper with the reading the instructions and background information.

The Middle School campers continued working on their EV3 robots.  Carter finished his on Wednesday and started to code it.  Evie, Yamen and Isabella completed theirs on Thursday and quickly the two robots were both moving around the lab. 

In progress

Almost there

Reagan was inspired by the EV3 robots to create his own version which he called the "EV4"


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Coding and Robotics Camp

Coding and Robotics Camp
Monday and Tuesday

The campers have been so busy already this week.  Each day the fifteen campers start with an introduction to a coding concept.  Campers then used Scratch to explore the introduced concepts in a program of their own creation.  Today they explored "if/then" and "if/then/else" statements.  The concepts introduced this week are structures that are building blocks for coding regardless of the program/language used.

The second half of the morning is spent working on a robotics challenge.  Campers have worked with Ozobot and Sphero so far this week.

After lunch campers are able to work on individual projects based on their abilities and interests.  Some campers have built LEGO WeDo robots; other have started building LEGO Mindstorm robots; and others have continued coding with Scratch or Kodu to create their own video games.

Moving to a New Level in LEGO Lunch

Adding Controls and Motors The students in LEGO Lunch added motors, sensors and controls to the objects in the town they are designing....