Monday, June 25, 2018

Gamers Camp Begins

Gamers Camp 
June 25 - 29, 2018
Grades 1 - 6

This week we will be exploring the world of video games.  No exploration would be complete with first looking at the origins of video games.  The campers watched a video about the history of video games and the first home computers. 

Campers passed around a Sinclair ZX81 (my fist computer). They noted the differences between it and today's home computers.  Campers also played versions of older video games online (  We discussed the changes in graphics and the fact that Minecraft's graphics are reminiscent of those older programs.  This was our launchpad to the Minecraft project for the week.

This week campers will be working together to create their ideal school in Minecraft.  To start their project they designed skins for their students.  They also learned about area and perimeter as we measured rooms in the building (like the gym) that they thought would be important to include in their Minecraft school.

In the afternoon, campers worked on coding a video game in Scratch.  Scratch is a free coding website designed by MIT.  The link is 

Here are the links to some of their games:
Three Point Shot
Ring the Bell     

Moving to a New Level in LEGO Lunch

Adding Controls and Motors The students in LEGO Lunch added motors, sensors and controls to the objects in the town they are designing....